Top 5 beard myths
Myth 1: Shaving helps beards grow better
A myth so large and infamous, it’s in the league with only the best fables; like chocolate milk comes from brown cows. The Truth is, shaving your beard will not make it thicker. Hair thickness comes down to a combo of genetics, time and nutrition. The reason hair may appear thicker at first is because the ends against the skin have been cut at a naturally thicker place, but this effect lasts a short while as the hairs begin to grow back out. Shaving won’t impact the root of your hair beneath your skin and has no effect on the way your hair grows.
Myth 2: Patchy beards won’t fill out
Let’s face it; not everyone can grow a magnificent beard on their first go. Most men are at their peak beard growing once they hit 30+. Like all good things, beards take time. Age, testosterone level, genetics and diet all play into how your beard will eventually appear. For most men, a good few inches of length will fill in common patches - it just takes patience and time.
Myth 3: Beards are dirtier than a toilet
This one would mislead you into believing that beards are full of dirt and bacteria, making them “more disgusting than a toilet.” A few small news sites picked up on a study done by an Amateur group with poor research methodology. Notably, this infamous 'study' was debunked due to its lack of a control group, and follow up research that went on to compare clean shaven versus bearded participants. The truth is that the hair on your face is no dirtier than the hair on your head: especially if you're washing it regularly and use reputable grooming products.
Myth 4: Beards Get Too Hot In Summer
Put down that shaver! Beard heat is a total myth. Most bearded men claim to feel cooler with a beard in the summer. Why’s that?
It’s all thanks to evaporative cooling and insulating moisture against the elements. Basically, when air blows through it cools down - just like a mini air conditioner. Your beard keeps the moisture from your sweat close to your face. When a breeze comes through, you feel nice and cool.
Any beard discomfort in the summer is probably due to lack of softness and maintenance, not temperature. Beard butter or conditioner is a great way to get smooth hair and keep your beard healthy throughout the year.
Myth 5: Beards “Thrive” With No Care Or Products
Of the many stories claiming outlandish things, this one is the biggest whopper of them all. Even far back in history groups like the Vikings took a lot of time to care for and maintain their beards.
To achieve bearded glory, you need to treat it right: This requires care routines and quality products. Your skin underneath the beard may not be visible, but it also plays a significant role in your facial hair health. With good beard oil, you can create healthy non-greasy skin underneath and shiny vibrant hair on top. Combined with proper hydration, washing practices, and a good diet, and you've got yourself a perfect environment for a flawless facial feature.